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Mac Os Mojave For Dummies

MacOS Mojave For Dummies Book Description: Pro tips for macOS from “Dr. Mac” Your shiny new iMac or trusty old MacBook both rely on macOS to help you get things done. It helps to have an equally reliable guidebook to steer you through the tasks and steps that make macOS run efficiently.

MacOS Mojave 10.14.1 free Download: MacOS Mojave is the latest operating system for the Mac lineup of hardware from apple which includes MacBooks, iMacs, Mac Minis and more from Apple. The new addition to the Macbook Operating Systems launched on 24th September of the year 2018. MacOS Mojave was offered as a free of cost upgrade for Mac users from their older version of Mac i.e. MacOS High Sierra or lower.

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New Features in MacOS Mojave

The new MacOS Mojave is said by Apple to have some out of the box User Interface features that will make the MacOS Mojave stand a class apart from the other MacOSes in the past.

Dark Mode

First of the features is the new Dark Mode feature included the MacOS Mojave which makes the interface suitable for operation at nighttime and reduces strain on the user’s eyes. It is also useful if the user wants to focus their concentration on the given work instead of the elements in the MacOS interface like the menu bars and toolbars which are colored in darker tones which can help the user to be more productive at their work instead of being distracted by useless elements of the User Interface of the operating system.

Dynamic Desktop

The second important UI changes that can be seen in the MacOS Mojave is the introduction of Dynamic Desktop. Dynamic Desktop is a feature which can change the desktop wallpaper of the user’s computer according to what time of the day it is. For example, in the morning it can show a certain wallpaper and in the evening it can show a different one. It is useful for people who like to have something new to look at their desktop at different times during the day.

Desktop Stacks

The new MacOS Mojave is also aimed at making the Desktop of the user cleaner and arranged by introducing a feature called Desktop Stacks. If you are the type of Mac user who drags and drops all the things they find interesting and important for work on the Desktop, this feature is for you. The desktop becomes quite cluttered after dropping all the important files and folders there. To make it more arranged and tidy, you can use the new stacks feature that is introduced by Apple in MacOS Mojave. It can be used to group similar icons on the desktop into stacks of icons. Your productivity files can go into a stack called productivity and your other files can go to any other stack as you want them to be. It results in a more clean and organized Desktop which doesn’t scare people away when they look at it. The most important feature of Desktop Stacks that makes it different than folders is that it can be arranged automatically without you having to drag and drop everything into folders one by one.

Markup in Quick Look

Quick Look is a feature which is loved by the users of MacOS. It allows users to quickly look at the contents of a file without opening a dedicated application for the purpose. It is more commonly used to preview images, videos and PDF documents by the users while they are looking for one from a big bunch of images, videos or PDF documents. Looking for something doesn’t require more features which the dedicated software provides so quick look is a great way to do that quickly just by pressing the spacebar when the required file is selected.

In the new MacOS Mojave, Apple has decided to pair Quick Look with another great feature of MacOS which is called Markup. Markup is a tool which is used to annotate documents, pictures, and videos in MacOS. Now, you can directly use Markup from the Quick Look window without opening up preview or other PDF editing software that you use. It is useful for annotating necessary documents quickly. You can now also perform simple editing tasks on images like cropping and trimming in videos from Quick Look itself.

Screenshots and Video

The Mark Up editing features are additionally accessible when you take a screen capture. Taking screen captures in MacOS Mojave is exactly like you would see in Apple’s Mobile Operating System – iOS. In MacOS Mojave, the screen capture just reduces into a thumbnail in the right which can be clicked on which opens it and you can perform the required editing. This implies you can trim and turn a screen capture without expecting to open a different program, so that you are able to share the photo to somebody, or add it to a report or any other thing that you’re working on without wasting any time.

To take a screen capture in Mojave you can easily do it from the keyboard shortcuts which can be seen from in past forms of the OS -, for example, Command + Shift + 4 – however once the screen capture is taken, it shows up in the bottom of the screen, you would then be able to tap on it and go to quick look where you can get options to trim, just as drawing on the screen capture, or add shapes to explain or draw shapes regarding something. When you are done, just tap on Done where you will be asked if you want to save it or not.

The New Macintosh App Store

Apple has totally upgraded the Mac App Store. To enable you to discover great applications, you can peruse top to bottom articles about the best and most fundamental Mac applications – composed by Apple’s very own group of editors. In addition, different tabs feature the applications that can do a certain category of task, for instance: Create tab for plan applications, Work tab for efficiency applications, Play tab for recreations, and a Develop tab for all the designer instruments and other photography apps.

You can likewise see auto-play recordings that exhibit what an application is equipped for before you download it – a component that was at that point accessible in the iOS App Store.

As a manager, you can view each person’s time, activity level (based on their keyboard and mouse activity), and optionally, random screenshots of their work. They can use the one-click timer to track their time to the second, so if they tell you a task will take four hours, and it ends up taking five, you can pay them what they’re owed.This accountability goes the other way, as well. Time management software for mac os x. Download the and you’ll be seamlessly tracking time in no time.Hubstaff time tracker for Mac is great for companies and individuals who hire full-time employees, remote workers and freelancers. This software generates comprehensive daily, weekly and calendar view timesheets, which can then be used to pay team members and invoice clients.Installing Hubstaff’s Mac app will lead to instant benefits for your entire team.

Another change to the Mac App Store is how new updates in software are downloaded to your Mac. Already you got consequent updates to the OS by setting off to the Mac App Store and tapping on the Updates tab, or you could go to the Apple menu on your Mac and tap on Software Updates. In Mojave you have the alternative of opening Software Updates by means of another System Preferences sheet. Updates can at present be found in the Mac App Store as well and by going to the Apple Menu then clicking About this Mac and then choosing the Software Updates option.

Talking about applications, there may motivation to put off refreshing to Mojave: Apple has said it will be the last MacOS to run 32-bit applications, which should imply that they will run, however, you can expect there to be issues with them as High Sierra was the last macOS to run 32-bit applications without making some trade-offs on performance and compatibility issues. We don’t realize exactly how awful this will be for 32-bit applications, yet almost certainly, clients will need to begin considering refreshing their more older applications, and designers who are as yet stuck in the 32-bit age will need to go refreshing them.

System Requirements to Download MacOS Mojave 10.14.1


You must have 2 GB RAM and 12 GB free disk space to install Mac OS Mojave 10.14.1 in your MAC.

Download MacOS Mojave 10.14.1

You can download MacOS Mojave 10.14.1 from the MacOS Mojave Download Link in our website. If you have a Macbook or an iMac or Mac Mini and want to upgrade from an older version of Mac like High Sierra or older then, you ca do it from the Mac App Store itself.

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To download MacOS Mojave from your Mac:-

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  1. Go to the Mac App Store
  2. Click on the Updates tab
  3. You should see MacOS Mojave on the top there
  4. Click on the Update and download MacOS Mojave 10.14.1

You can also update your existing MacOS by clicking on the Apple button on the top left corner of the screen and clicking on About this Mac and going to the Software Updates section to update to MacOS Mojave 10.14.1.

MacOS Mojave 10.14.1 ISO & DMG Files Direct Download

MacOS Mojave 10.14.1 free Download: MacOS Mojave is the latest operating system for the Mac lineup of hardware from apple which includes MacBooks, iMacs, Mac Minis and more from Apple. The new addition to the Macbook Operating Systems launched on 24th September of the year 2018. MacOS Mojave was offered as a free of cost upgrade for Mac users from their older version of Mac i.e. MacOS High Sierra or lower.

Price Currency: USD

Operating System: Mac OS Mojave 10.14

Application Category: OS

Editor's Rating:

Whether you’ve purchased a new Mac with macOS Mojave pre-installed or you’ve upgraded from a previous version of macOS, you’ll find that macOS Mojave makes your Mac easier to use and offers myriad improvements to make you more productive. Get additional information on things you should never do to your Mac; a compendium of useful and timesaving keyboard shortcuts; a discussion of when folders are too full and when (and when not) to create subfolders; recommendations for backing up data; and a short discussion of iDevices and Continuity.

What Not to Do with Your Mac Running Mojave

Treat your Mac and macOS Mojave with care. To keep your work and leisure projects safe, never do any of these things with your Mac:

  • Never shut off your Mac by pulling the plug. Always use the Shut Down command from the Apple menu in Mojave (or press the power button and then click the Shut Down button).

If you’re using a laptop, you can usually get away with pulling the plug while it’s running because the battery automatically kicks in. The only caveat is that if your battery is totally depleted, damaged, or missing entirely, you could suffer directory damage or data loss by pulling the plug. Just use the Shut Down command, and you’ll sleep well.

  • Never bump, drop, shake, wobble, dribble, drop-kick, or play catch with a hard drive while it’s running Mojave. Don’t forget: Your desktop Mac has a hard or solid-state drive inside it, too.
  • Never get up from your Mac without saving your work. Just before your butt leaves the chair, your fingers should press Command+S (the keyboard shortcut in macOS that saves your work). Make it a habit.
  • Never keep only one copy of your important documents. Make at least two backup copies and keep one of them in another physical location. Period.
  • Never clean your monitor with a glass cleaner, such as Windex (or another product not designed to be used on a video display). And nix the paper towels or tissues, too. Use a soft cloth (microfiber is best) to avoid scratching the display.
  • Never pay attention to anyone who says that Windows 10 is just like the Mac. Yeah, right. And a Kia is just like a BMW.

Handy Keyboard Shortcuts for macOS Mojave

Make your work go faster with these macOS Mojave keyboard shortcuts. Print this chart and refer to it while using macOS Mojave.

CommandKeyboard Shortcut
Add Selected Item to DockCommand+Control+Shift+T
Add Selected Item to SidebarCommand+Control+T
Close All WindowsOption+Command+W
Close WindowCommand+W
Eject DiskCommand+E
Empty TrashShift+Command+Delete
Get Info (on selected item or items)Command+I
Go to All My FilesShift+Command+F
Go to Applications FolderShift+Command+A
Go to DesktopShift+Command+D
Go to Documents FolderShift+Command+O
Go to Home FolderShift+Command+H
Hide Current ApplicationCommand+H
Hide Other ApplicationsCommand+Shift+H
Log Out Current UserShift+Command+Q
Make AliasCommand+L
Minimize WindowCommand+M
Mission Control: All WindowsControl+Up Arrow (F3 on Apple keyboards)
Mission Control: Application WindowsControl+Down Arrow (Control+F3 on Apple keyboards)
Mission Control: Show DesktopF11 (fn+F11 on laptops) (Command+F3 on Apple keyboards)
Move to TrashCommand+Delete
New Finder WindowCommand+N
New FolderShift+Command+N
New Smart FolderOption+Command+N
Next WindowCommand+`
Quick Look (at selected item)Command+Y or Spacebar
Select AllCommand+A
Show Inspector (on selected item or items)Command+Option+I
Show Original (of selected alias)Command+R
Show View OptionsCommand+J
Show/Hide DockOption+Command+D
Show/Hide Path BarOption+Command+P
Show/Hide SidebarOption+Command+S
Show/Hide Status BarCommand+/
Show/Hide Tab BarShift+Command+T
Show/Hide ToolbarOption+Command+T
Turn VoiceOver On/OffCommand+F5 (fn+F5 on laptops)
View Window as ColumnsCommand+3
View Window as Cover FlowCommand+4
View Window as IconsCommand+1
View Window as ListCommand+2

Tabbing around Mojave’s Save and Save As Sheets

In the expanded view of macOS Mojave, if you press the Tab key while the Save As field is active, it becomes inactive, and the search box becomes active. Press Tab again, and the sidebar becomes active. Press the Tab key one more time, and the file list box (more accurately known as the detail pane — the part with Icon, List, Column, or Cover Flow view buttons in it) becomes active.

That’s because the file list box, the search box, the sidebar, and the Save As field are mutually exclusive, and only one can be active at any time. You can always tell which item is active by the thin blue or gray border around it.

When you want to switch to a different folder to save a file, click the folder in the sidebar or click anywhere in the file list box to make the file list active. The following tricks help you get a hold on this whole active/inactive silliness:

  • If you type while the file list box is active, the list box selects the folder that most closely matches the letter(s) that you type. It’s a little strange because you won’t see what you type: You’ll be typing blind, so to speak.
  • When the file list is active, the letters that you type don’t appear in the Save As field. If you want to type a filename, you have to activate the Save As field again (by clicking in it or using the Tab key) before you can type in it.
  • If you type while the sidebar is active, nothing happens. You can, however, use the up- and down-arrow keys to move around in the sidebar.
  • Pressing Shift reverses the order of the sequence. If you press Shift+Tab, the active item moves from the Save As field to the file list box to the Sidebar to the Search box and back to the Save As field again.

Creating Subfolders in macOS Mojave . . . or Not

How full is too full? When should you begin creating subfolders in Mojave? That’s impossible to say, at least in a one-size-fits-all way, but having too many items in a folder can be a nightmare — as can having too many subfolders with just one or two files in each one.

If you find more than 15 or 20 files in a single folder, begin thinking about ways to subdivide it. On the other hand, some of your biggest subfolders might contain things that you don’t often access, such as a Correspondence 1992 folder. Because you don’t use it often, its overcrowded condition might not bother you.

Here are some tips to help you decide whether to use subfolders or just leave well enough alone:

Mac Os Mojave For Dummies
  • Don’t create subfolders until you need them. That way, you avoid opening an empty folder when you’re looking for something else — a complete waste of time.
  • Let your work style decide the file structure. When you first start working with your Mac, you may want to save everything in your Documents folder for a while. When a decent-size group of documents has accumulated in the Documents folder, consider taking a look at them and creating logical subfolders for them.

Dr. Mac’s Backup Recommendations

When working in macOS Mojave, would you like to ensure that you won’t lose more than a little work no matter what happens — even if your office burns, floods, is destroyed by tornado, hurricane, or earthquake, or robbed? If so, you might want to follow the setup described here.

I am continually testing new backup solutions, so the software I use can change from month to month. I’ve tried most of the popular backup solutions and many of the more obscure ones, but before I say anything about my current setup, here is what I’m trying to accomplish (at a minimum): I want at least three (reasonably) current backup sets with copies of all my files.

I update two of them every day and keep the third somewhere offsite, such as in a safe deposit box at the bank. Every month or two, I swap the offsite backup for the latest backup from home — and then reuse the older backup disk.

Note that after I set up the following programs, they run automatically in the background with no further action on my part. Think of this as a “set and forget” feature.

  • My first line of defense, of course, is macOS’s excellent Time Machine. There’s no excuse not to use it. But although Time Machine maintains multiple copies of files, they’re all stored on the same disk. If something’s worth backing up to one place, it’s worth backing up three times.
  • And so, in addition to Time Machine, I use the excellent Backblaze ($5 per month for unlimited cloud storage). I might use it to back up my Documents folder four times a day to two different hard drives. It also backs up my Home folder continuously to yet another hard drive, so every time I make a change to a document, the backup copy is updated in real time. Finally, it backs up my Home folder over the Internet to the CrashPlan cloud-based servers. Best of all, it does all that for a mere $5 per month.
  • Every night at midnight, Carbon Copy Cloner ($39.99) clones (duplicates) my startup disk to another hard drive, which provides me a bootable backup I can use with almost any other Mac.
  • Finally, I enable iCloud Desktop & Documents to synchronize current projects among several Macs and my iPhone and iPad, giving me even more backup copies of my most important files.

One last thing: I test the integrity of each backup regularly, and so should you. It confirms that the files that I think are there are actually there, and it reassures me that the files in that backup set aren’t corrupted or damaged and are capable of being restored successfully.

iDevices and Continuity in macOS Mojave

Continuity is the blanket term for a set of features in Mojave and iOS 8 or newer that allow you to seamlessly move between your iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

At present, four features provide Continuity:

  • Handoff: Start working on an email or document on one device (your Mac, for example), and pick up where you left off on another Apple device such as an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
  • Instant hotspot: Use your iDevice’s cellular Internet connection to connect your Mac to the Internet.
  • Phone calling: Use your Mac, iPad, or iPod touch to make and receive phone calls using your iPhone.
  • SMS: Use your Mac, iPad, or iPod touch to send and receive SMS and MMS messages (text messages) using your Mac, iPad, or iPod touch.

They’re a useful little quartet, but they work only with newer Apple devices. So, before you get too excited, peruse the system requirements for each feature.

Intro and system requirements

Handoff and Instant Hotspot are supported by the following Mac models and require Yosemite, macOS Sierra, or macOS Mojave:

  • MacBook (2015)
  • MacBook Air (Mid 2012 and later)
  • MacBook Pro (Mid 2012 and later)
  • Mac (Late 2012 and later)
  • Mac mini (Late 2012 and later)
  • Mac Pro (Late 2013)

Instant Hotspot requires one of these iDevices with cellular connectivity and Personal Hotspot service through your wireless carrier:

  • iPhone 5 or later
  • iPhone 4s (sharing iPhone calls only)
  • iPad (4th generation), iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad Pro
  • iPad mini, iPad mini with Retina display, iPad mini 3, iPad mini 4
  • iPod touch (5th generation and later)

Phone Calling requires an iPhone with at least iOS 8 and an activated carrier plan and works with any iOS device that supports iOS 8 and any Mac that supports macOS Sierra or later.

SMS requires an iPhone with at least iOS 8.1 and an activated carrier plan and works with any iOS device with iOS 8.1 and any Mac that supports macOS Sierra or later.

If your gear isn’t listed, Continuity isn’t going to work for you. So, assuming you have at least two or more devices that meet those requirements, here is how to put these useful features to work for you.

How to use Handoff

Handoff lets you start a document, email, or message on one Apple device and pick up where you left off on another. It works with Apple apps including Mail, Safari, Maps, Messages, Reminders, Calendar, Contacts, Pages, Numbers, and Keynote as well as some third-party apps.

To use Handoff, do the following:

  1. Sign in to the same iCloud account on all of your devices.
  2. Turn on Bluetooth on all the devices you want to use. Make sure your devices are near each other.
    In this case, near means, in the same room, preferably within a few feet of each other.
  3. Connect all your devices to the same Wi-Fi network.
  4. Use one of the aforementioned apps on one of your devices.
    For the sake of this example, start a new presentation in Keynote on the Mac. When Keynote is open on your Mac, you’ll see a tiny Keynote icon on your iDevice’s Lock screen.
  5. Swipe up from the bottom-left edge of the Lock screen, where you see the icon.
    Keynote launches on your iPhone, and you see the presentation you started on your Mac, ready for you to continue working on it.

Another way to open an app available for Handoff on your iDevice is to double-click the Home button and then tap the app (Keynote in this example) in the multitasking display.

Going the other direction, if you had started the presentation on your iDevice, you’d see a Keynote icon on the left side of your dock, as shown. Click the icon to launch Keynote, which will open the presentation that’s currently open on your iDevice.

You can also use Mojave’s app switcher (Command-Tab) to open an app that’s displaying a Handoff icon in your dock.

If you decide you want to disable Handoff:

  • On your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch: Tap SettingsGeneralHandoff & Suggested Apps, and turn off Handoff.
  • On your Mac: Open System Preferences, click the General icon, and uncheck Allow Handoff.

Try using Handoff with Safari. If you start reading a web page on one device, as long as you don’t quit Safari you can pick up reading it on any of your other devices. You might find that you use Handoff more with Safari than with documents, messages, and mail combined. Bottom line: Handoff is a sweet feature when it works.

Handoff still isn’t robust for some users, with reports of inconsistent or nonexistent behavior with Handoff appearing a year after its introduction. I’m sure Apple will get it sorted out in an iOS or Mojave update. Meanwhile, if it stops working (or never started working) for you, you might have some luck by disabling Handoff, logging out of iCloud on all devices, restarting all the devices, and then reenabling Handoff. It’s a pain but it works more often than not (assuming all of your gear meets the requirements).

How to use Personal Hotspot

Another Continuity feature allows you to use the Personal Hotspot on your iPhone or cellular iPad to provide instant Internet access to other iDevices.

Some cellular operators and data plans don’t include Personal Hotspot. If you don’t see a Personal Hotspot in Settings→Cellular Data on your iDevice, contact your wireless operator.

The first thing to do is enable the hotspot on your cellular device by tapping Settings→Cellular Data and enabling the Personal Hotspot switch.

Now, to get Internet access on your (non-cellular) device:

  1. Sign into iCloud using the same Apple ID used on the cellular iDevice.
  2. Tap Settings→Wi-Fi and select the name of the iPhone or iPad with the Personal Hotspot.

To get Internet access on your Mac:

  1. Click the Wi-Fi icon in the menu bar.
  2. In the menu that appears, select the name of your iPhone or iPad with the cellular connection.

Mac Os Mojave Download

And that’s all there is to it!

The data consumed by the non-cellular devices comes from the cellular device with the Personal Hotspot’s data plan. If your data plan is unlimited, you’re golden. For those who pay for data by the gigabyte: Keep an eye on your cellular data usage to avoid unpleasant surprises on your next bill.

How to make phone calls with Continuity

With Continuity, you can make and receive cellular phone calls from your iPad, iPod touch, or Mac when your iPhone is on the same Wi-Fi network.

To make and receive phone calls on your Mac, iPad, or iPod touch:

  1. Sign in to the same iCloud account on all your devices, including your Mac.
  2. Make sure all devices are on the same Wi-Fi network.
  3. Make sure all devices are signed in to FaceTime using the same iCloud account.
    This means that any device using this Apple ID for FaceTime will receive your phone calls. See the instructions for turning off iPhone cellular calling later in this section to disable phone calls on a device.
  4. Tap Settings→Phone. If you see Wi-Fi Calling, turn it off.

Now that you have everything configured, here are some details on making a call from your Mac, iPad, or iPod touch:

  • Tap or click a phone number in Contacts, Calendar, or Safari, or tap a phone number from a recent contact in the multitasking display of iDevices.
  • To answer a call on your iPad or iPod touch, just swipe to answer.
  • On a Mac you’ll see a notification when you receive a call on your iPhone. You can then click to answer the call, send it to voicemail, or send the caller a message.
  • To disable iPhone cellular calls on your iPad or iPod touch, tap Settings→FaceTime→Calls from iPhone and then tap the switch to disable it.

SMS and Continuity

With Continuity, all SMS and MMS text messages that you send and receive on your iPhone appear on your Mac, iPad, and iPod touch, even if the person on the other end is less fortunate and doesn’t use an iPhone or a Mac.

Macos Mojave For Dummies Cheat Sheets

Furthermore, you can reply from whichever device is closest to you, including your iPad, iPod touch, or Mac.

To use Continuity for SMS and MMS with your iPhone and your Mac, iPad, or iPod touch, all of your iDevices need iOS 8.1 or higher and your Macs need macOS 10.10 Yosemite or higher. And all devices need to sign in to iMessage using the same Apple ID.

Now enable SMS on your iPhone by taping Settings→Messages→Send & Receive→You Can Be Reached by iMessage At and enable the check boxes for both your phone number and your email address.

Finally, tap Settings→Messages→Text Message Forwarding and enable the devices you would like this iPhone to forward SMS messages to.

Each device you enable will display a code; just enter the code on your iPhone to verify the SMS feature and you’re done.

Mac Os Mojave Beta

10 Favorite Websites for macOS Mojave Users

Mac Os Versions

To learn about all things Macintosh and macOS Mojave, hop onto the web, check out these sites, and stuff your brain with Mac information:

Mac Os Mojave Reviews

  • The Mac Observer offers insightful opinion pieces in addition to the usual Apple news and product reviews. The quality and depth of the writing at The Mac Observer is superior to most other sites covering the Apple beat.
  • The Apple support site and Apple support communities are treasure troves of tech notes, software update information, troubleshooting tips, and documentation for most Apple products.
  • Download.com, the site formerly known as VersionTracker, is the place to go to find freeware, shareware, and software updates for macOS. If this site doesn’t have it, it probably doesn’t exist.
  • Macworld describes itself as, “Your best source for all things Apple,” and it’s not far from the truth. Macworld is especially strong for comparative reviews of Mac and iPhone/iPad products. If you want to find out which inkjet printer or digital camera is the best in its price class, Macworld.com probably has feature comparison charts and real-world test results.
  • TidBITS bills itself as “Thoughtful, detailed coverage of everything Apple for 28 years” but there’s much more to TidBITS than just news. You can also find thoughtful commentary, in-depth analysis, and detailed product reviews, written and edited by pros who really know the Apple ecosystem.
  • Six Colors is Jason Snell’s latest venture. The former lead editor for Macworld (for over a decade), he and his team provide daily coverage of Apple, other technology companies, and the intersection of technology and culture. It’s only been around for a few years, but the writing is strong, opinionated, and fun to read.
  • The Wirecutter is where I go to see what experts consider the best peripherals, tech tools, and toys. Now a New York Times company, it has the resources to objectively evaluate many products and declare one of them the “best.”
  • Other World Computing is a favorite maker of accessories and peripherals for Macs. They have a wide array of storage upgrade kits and memory upgrades that are guaranteed for life.
  • DealMac is the place to shop for deals on Mac stuff. With a motto like “How to go broke saving money,” this site is often the first to find out about sale prices, rebates, and other bargain opportunities on upgrades, software, peripherals, and more.
  • Working Smarter for Mac Users is here, frankly, because one more site was needed to make ten. So, visit the home of my productivity-oriented blog and discover my vision of how to use your Mac to work smarter and do more work in less time so you have more time for things you love.